Zhengzhou Jianxin HZS90 concrete mixing plant equipment brings huge profits to Anhui Yinzhou customers
According to the news from the customer’s return visit, Zhengzhou Jianxin HZS90 commercial concrete mixing plant built for the company in Anhui Province in 2017 has successfully produced a total of more than 55 million square meters of various concrete products. Enterprise profits are hundreds of thousands of yuan.
Zhengzhou Jianxin HZS90
concrete mixing plant equipment is a new concrete mixing plant made by high-quality raw materials based on the several innovative technologies of mixing stations in recent years. The mixing plant introduces Schneider Electric components from France and adopts mixer technology that obtained many national awards. It is superior to the domestic concrete mixing equipment. At the same time, the host adopts high quality JS1500 mixer, which has so cleverly assembled design and modular structure that the whole station can be installed quickly, and has low energy consumption and high efficiency.
The production process is different, the raw materials used are different, and the price of the concrete mixing plant is different. As for specific part, you can consult the sales department of the manufacturer. Zhengzhou Jianxin Machinery is a professional concrete mixing plant manufacturer, providing detailed configuration plans and quotations information, welcome to inquire.
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